Communication Strategies for People With Hearing Loss

Communication Strategies for People With Hearing Loss – Tips for Effective Communication With Friends, Family and Coworkers

The ability to communicate effectively is a cornerstone of human relationships. However, when you’re experiencing hearing loss, engaging in everyday conversations can become a challenge. Understanding and implementing effective communication strategies is not just about facilitating conversations—it’s about nurturing relationships, enhancing job performance, and maintaining your overall well-being. In this article, we will guide you through some practical advice to …

How does hearing loss affect driving?

How Does Hearing Loss Affect Driving?

Have you ever been behind the wheel of a car and suddenly heard a siren blaring in the distance or the honk of a car horn warning you of danger? Being able to hear sounds while driving is essential for safety. Unfortunately, for millions of people with hearing loss, driving can be a challenge. As hearing professionals, we often get …

Why your primary care provider might not be able to detect your hearing loss

Why Your Primary Care Provider Might Not Be Able to Detect Your Hearing Loss

World Hearing Day 2023 is in March, and with it comes the opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of hearing health. However, despite the efforts of healthcare professionals around the world, primary care providers continue to struggle with detecting hearing loss in their patients. On this World Hearing Day, it’s important to recognize the ongoing challenges faced by primary …

Myths about Hearing Loss

Myths about Hearing Loss

Do you have hearing loss? You may have suspected so much for years without taking any action around it. Studies find that those who choose to address their hearing loss enjoy improved social interactions, improved sense of self, elevated mood, higher rates of physical activity, higher earning potential at work and a lowered risk of cognitive decline. However, for those …